Despite “people” being a bit of an unofficial theme of the night, I couldn’t pull myself away from some wide-angle colour.
Just 9 days ago, I got a random tweet from a guy called “OT” in response to me asking Aden Camera about their stock of the new Fuji 23mm ƒ/1.4 lens. He assured me that I’d love the lens, and then asked if there was a Fuji X Series group in Toronto. Next thing I knew, I was creating one with him.
After a few days of communicating via Twitter, sorting out lens and Fuji X-E2 purchases (in black, of course), we got on iMessage, spoke once on the phone, and cranked out a Squarespace website for Toronto’s very own Fuji group, FujiTuesday.
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month will be our official meet day. Yesterday marked the first outing when a group of fellow Fuji nerds got together outside Aden Camera, mused about photography, strolled through the city making pictures in the street, and then warmed their camera hands inside along with some food and drink. All told there were 10 of us out which is remarkable given how recently FujiTuesday was conceived, and how cold it was last night. Our next event will be held on December 17, at the Distillery District.
I have to say I’m pretty proud to have been a part of starting FujiTuesday. It almost certainly wouldn’t have happened without OT’s partnership in it. I also never would have guessed that tweeting “Love this idea.” would lead to what we’ve started. We hope to take the idea as far as we possibly can, and maybe even expand beyond meet-ups.
I look forward to many more meets in the future. Be sure to check for write-ups and images from the big event. It’s an exciting time to be a Fuji X Shooter.